First Visit: Please familiarize yourself with our Covid-19 protocol before your schedule appointment and fill out the necessary assessments. Before arriving please complete initial intake forms online.

It is recommended that you arrive a few minutes before your appointment time so you have a chance to relax and not be rushed. Location is within the Langford Business Centre. Enter the main building doors and come up to the second floor. There is a waiting area located behind the reception area. I will meet you for your appointment in that area. If you are late your appointment will still end at the allotted time to ensure subsequent patient’s appointments begin on time.

Cancellation Policy: Understandably things come up! If you are feeling unwell please contact me as soon as possible and stay home! Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance barring emergencies. This can be done via your online booking account, email or phone. Cancellations made within 48 hours are subject to a full charge for the booked appointment. If you fail to make your schedule appointment without any notification you will be charged the full appointment fee.